Thursday, February 13, 2025

Impotent Rage on the Left

When you encounter someone who is making a fool of himself, your normal human instinct is to cover him up. Just because he has no self-respect, nothing obliges you to follow his bad example.

When you find someone with his pants down you are not going to stand there staring, even laughing. You are going to try to cover him up. If that cannot be done you will most likely turn away.

Say what you want about President Trump, but he seems to have succeeded in rendering Democrats into complete fools. Their recent antics are not going to convince anyone of the righteousness of their cause. 

How persuasive is it politically for a group of Congressional Democrats to stand before a microphone screaming like hysterical school children.

Democrats are protesting, because that is all they know how to do. They do not know how to govern. They do not know how to legislate. They are reduced to screeching like hysterical fools, and expecting that people will respect their emotional intensity.

When a member of Congress calls Elan Musk a Nazi nepo baby, you become aware of the fact that this member is simply an idiot. 

Perhaps it does not need saying, but in a deliberative democracy there is no place for yelling at people. Those who are indulging in such histrionics to have nothing to say.

And then we witness the spectacle of members of Congress, doubled by talking heads, declaring that we are living through a
“constitutional crisis.” When everyone is reciting the same lines, focus group tested as they obviously were, the value diminishes. They cannot even think for themselves.

Given how badly lawfare did the last time, one is surprised to see the usual suspects trot it out again. You would think that once it was tried and failed, they would offer up a new solution to the nation’s debt problems,, but, alas.

Consumed by righteous zeal, they can do no better than to trot out the same tired, discredited nostrums. They did not succeed the first time. What makes anyone think that they will succeed the second time around.

Of course, Elon Musk is the problem. Because Musk is not an ideological zealot. He is not a preacher or a philosopher. He is not even a lawyer or a journalist. The truth remains, for his many accomplishments Musk is universally respected. For creating an electric automobile company, for sending rockets into space, for setting up communications satellites, Musk is not so easily dismissed as a fanatic.

And you cannot imagine that Musk is in it for the money. The notion that Trump is an incipient fascist cannot survive the association with El0n Musk.

While President Trump is hard at work bring peace to the world, ending wars and making deals, the raging Democratic left is calling for violence in the streets. Perhaps we should call them Demonocratic.

Fair enough, they are enraged. And yet, theirs is an impotent rage, a histrionic display of emotion that serves no useful purpose.

1 comment:

Bardelys the Magnificent said...

They are functionally children, children who have become accustomed to getting their way. Now they're not getting their way, and so the tantrums begin. That's literally all there is to it.