Thursday, February 6, 2025

Trump's Plan for Gaza

Two days ago, at a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Trump floated a new idea about the Middle East.

It was not a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was a suggestion that, given that Gaza was now uninhabitable, the remaining civilians should  be relocated to countries like Egypt and Jordan. Then the United States could take control of the sliver of land and build a new and habitable place.

It must count as one of the few original ideas for how to solve the problem. Naturally, the world rose up to denounce it.Egypt and Jordan might be staunch supporters of the Palestinian cause, but they do not want any extra Palestinians in their own domains.

As it happens, most of the population of Jordan is Palestinian. And yet, the Egyptians and Jordanians both know that the Palestinians remaining in Gaza have been brainwashed into a form of mindless self-destructive radicalism. 

While everyone is caterwauling about how unrealistic the Trump proposal seems to be, consider this.

First, the proposal recognizes the reality on the ground. The Gaza strip is currently unfit for human habitation. Obviously, some people believe that they have a sacred right to the plot of land. If the plot does not provide the means of subsistence, these beliefs  are simply delusional. If there is no home to go to, you can’t go home again.

Second,Trump recognizes that the two state solution is not viable. Israel is not going to accept the existence of a terror state on its border, especially when that terror state is devoting all of its time and effort to killing Jews. Hamas killed the two state solution on October 7.  The Trump proposal guarantees Israeli security; thus it is a realistic improvement over the two-state solution.

Finally, the Trump vision of a prosperous Gaza, a Mediterranean resort, highlights the problem with the region. Jordan has a per capita GDP of approximately $4500.oo This is the same as Egypt. Israel has a per capita GDP of around $55,ooo. 

The gulf is extraordinary. Any solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict will require certain nations and peoples to set about building a functioning economy,the better to stop blaming other people for their failings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you it is a novel approach, and for that I am grateful. Re-hashing old arguments usually results in the same old tired answers, which haven't been working.
I can see from Trump's view it's a brilliant idea, he's a property developer. Yes, the dirt called "Palestine" is currently un-inhabitable by western standards. There is no running water, no plumbing, no roads, no buildings... and cleaning up that mess and turning it into habitable land will be a messy and expensive chore (see trump's angle now...)... So yes, best to clear it ALL out, get the dozers in there and do it right. I've worked construction and underground utilities, you can't have people around, so vamoose! Yes, perfectly logical, makes sense, absolutely.
The reality of the situation however is not lost on the stakeholders. They KNOW when it is re-built, there will be 'reasons' they can't go back. Permit wasn't approved, paperwork wasn't in order, or as pointed out here more likely they simply can't afford it, which is the plan from the get-go, and everyone knows it! Nobody thinks for one second they're going to build a paradise city and simply hand it over to the Palestinians free, non-grata. Palestinians have been living under jewish rule for a long time, and the jews fuck with them constantly, especially over bullshit at the border crossings, so naturally they expect the same treatment here, and won't stand for it. Rightly so, you simply don't trust someone that's been fucking with you for decades, over anything.
Secondly, if this is 'My land' and I'm entitled to it, let me re-build it. I don't want American Bulldozers, I want to hire an Arab company to do it, I hear the Bin Laden's got some experience here. Of course the Palestinians wouldn't object to an Arab nation re-building the strip... so why hasn't Trump suggested that? Get some Saudi or Egyptian company to put up a mosque and spearhead the thing? Oh, right, then all his property developer builder buddies and jooish boyfriends don't get rich building a seaside resort for tel aviv.
... and that's WHY there is so much resistance to the idea being proffered, not because it's a bad idea. Because anyone w/ 2 brain cells at room temperature knows its a lie, a grandiose mountain of bullshit being used to sell the story, that will never turn out in real life. The world at large, but especially the arab and palestinian world KNOWS the joos lie, knows the US lies, knows they will be lied to and mistreated, because that's what has always happened to them. Expecting anything different is retarded.
The idea that the US will simply declare itself the heirs to the land israel obliterated is preposterous. The notion we will go in there to 'make peace, at the end of our big stick' is beyond hubris. This is exactly why people feared trump taking office again. Admittedly he's better than the alternative, but the shit he's going to stir up while doing greatness, will likely outshine his greatness. This is madness. Literal madness. Stay the fuck out of the desert and let the sand niggers fight over it. It's not our fucking problem. Never was, never will be, so leave it! Nuke the God Forsaken place so fucking hard it glows so that NOBODY can ever live there or fight over it again.