Saturday, July 30, 2022

How Goes Britain's National Health System?

Just a note to awaken us all to the risks in having a national health system-- that is, socialized medicine. The sentences in question come to us from the Financial Times editorial on Friday. It concerns the manifest failure of the National Health System. 

The FT is most definitely not a right wing publication. And it does not get its facts wrong:

The UK’s NHS is in critical condition. A record 6.5mn patients are waiting for planned treatment in England, exacerbated by backlogs caused by the pandemic. More than 24,000 people waited more than 12 hours in emergency departments in English hospitals earlier this year. A parliamentary committee this week concluded that chronic NHS understaffing poses a “serious risk to staff and patient safety”. 

The next time you hear some junior socialist whining about national health care, recall this paragraph.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But they have CBT :)