The part that takes your breath away is that the Vice website takes this seriously. The Vice reporter thinks that it’s art
when a dazed and confused young woman declares herself a performance artist, then strips down to a thong bikini and allows herself to be whipped by a professional
dominatrix. Better yet, the site accepts when the woman in question, Emma Sulkowicz, formerly known
as “Mattress Girl,” declares that art is about making political statements.
Four years at Columbia University just went down the drain.
You might remember, Sulkowicz’s parents are both
psychoanalysts. They must be proud of their errant offspring. One wishes that they could have provided her
with even the most elementary guidance. If you do not feel badly for them and
for her you have no feelings at all.
Vice thinks it's high art and political propaganda when a young woman takes off most of her clothing in public.
Vice tells Mattress Girl’s story:
Sulkowicz is a performance artist living and working in New York City, though
most recognize her as the Columbia University student who made headlines her
senior year in 2014. Sulkowicz, then a visual arts undergraduate, focused her
thesis Mattress Performance
(Carry That Weight) on hauling a dorm room twin-size mattress
everywhere on campus to protest the university's mishandling of her sexual
assault complaint against a fellow student. Sulkowicz and Mattress Performance sparked a
national debate about sexual assault on campus. As coverage increased,
Sulkowicz—wielding a 50-pound mattress and wearing blue hair, a somber
expression, and absolute resolve—became the center of a larger culture war
tearing through America.
One recalls, because Vice recalls it, that Mattress Girl
topped off her first performance piece by doing a graphic pornographic video of
what apparently happened during what she—but not the police—called her rape.
What's wrong with being respect for your mind?
Vice has been keeping track of her career:
has furiously continued her work as an artist. Soon after, she released Ceci N'est Pas Un Viol, a follow-up
to Mattress Performance. Then,
she had her first individual gallery show in Los Angeles. For the past year,
Sulkowicz has been enrolled in the Whitney Museum's Independent Study Program
(ISP) and on May 20th, graduated with a performance at the
program's studio exhibition in midtown Manhattan.
Perhaps you want to know why Mattress Girl chose to be bound
and gagged by a professional dom. Vice has the answer:
Sulkowicz explored that question in relation to performance art, she realized
that by design, every sinking ship has a sinking woman on its masthead.
"So, I told my classmates I was going to wear an American flag bikini and
hang from the wall of the gallery in the shape of a figurehead of a ship,
making a statement about the impotence of artwork during our given
She is protesting. She is attacking white male hegemony. She
is trying to save the world. She thinks that every sinking ship has a sinking woman on the masthead. Question for the day: can you distinguish a sculpture of a woman from a real woman?
Sulkowicz explained:
chose] to have a white man tie me up while wearing a business suit with a Whitney
necktie, while I wear a Whitney ISP thong bikini," Sulkowicz said.
As for the performance, here is what happened:
As the
performance started, this man in a suit, named Master Avery, started to berate
Sulkowicz. "Your boobs are too small," he spat. "You can't even
stand up straight." He pulled a long, gnarled rope out of a black leather
bag and started tying intricate knots around her upper thigh. Once the knots
covered both of Sulkowicz's legs, Master Avery started around her waist, moving
her body as he worked quickly.
Just in case you think that you took a wrong turn and found
yourself in a BDSM dungeon, Sulkowicz explained:
acting out this sadistic-masochistic relationship between the institution with
all of its financial power, and this program that wants to be political but
can't be really because it's being tied up by this institution," Sulkowicz
And then:
Using a
pulley system attached to the ceiling, he used his whole body to lift her from
the ground, and after a few tries, Sulkowicz was suspended with her arms and
legs wrapped around the beam, rendering her immobile. The rope visibly cut into
her skin as Master Avery took off his belt and started hitting her with it.
Such is what passes for art among enlightened New York
elites. Be sure to curb your enthusiasm.

The problem with art today is it IS all about making political statements. Creating something beautiful is much more challenging, worthy of a master. That takes many years of diligent study and practice. Young artists can't produce that level of work yet, so they give in to their pseudo-radical environment and show "courage" by creating ugly pieces that merely parrot the crowd. Wow. Profound.
Maybe, at the root, she's acting out against her parents.
I agree with Katielee4211, it must be some sort of rebellion against her parents. Is it too late for her parents to set some boundaries?
Seeing this, you'd almost prefer your child would grow up to be something normal like an axe murderer.
Maybe, at root, she's a masochist and likes it. Consider the sales and boxoffice for 50 Shades. Mostly women.
Ares, that was a very perceptive comment! Funny, too.
If the NY "elites" think this is art, I question their sanity.
Linked in my new Worthwhile Reading post at Chicago Boyz:
Thank you, David, for the link.
Well after all of that she'll need that mattress.
Emma is a natural-born exhibitionist and nympho.
Had she been born into a working class family, she would have been a stripper, prostitute, or porn worker, and that would have been that.
But because she was brought up in an intellectual upper-status environment, she feels a need to ideologically justify her harlotry.
So, she turns everything into a 'statement'.
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