The absence of facial expressions does mean something. It shows an inability to express emotion. As you know, facial expressions, wrinkles and all, express emotion. If you Botox your face into a perfect Noh mask, you lose your ability to communicate like a human being. You look like someone who has just stepped out of a horror movie, as though you want to threaten people. And then you complain about other people lacking empathy.
Least incriminating explanation for her dead eyes. Otherwise, she could easily pass for an AI avatar or simulacrum of a real human being. Of course, it could be both.
Easily one of the scariest-looking humans I've ever seen.
"Has anyone asked how much work she's had done?"
Not enough.
Every time I see her I think of the evil Queen in Snow White
JPL17, I find HILLARY!! much more, waaaaaaaaaaaay more scary.
Our Governess is a disgrace. I don’t know where to begin...
Who’s doing HER hair? We can’t get barber/salon services in our State now. Why is SHE exempt? Because she has to go in TV?
The manifest totalitarian bearing of people like Gretchen Whitmer us something to behold.
What’s up with women in politics being SCOLDS?
I hope everyone remembers what citizens had to put up now the next time we hear the apoplexy over the horrors of a government shutdown. If we can go this long without an economy, I’m confident we can hold out through a government shutdown.
For years I did community service by mediating in Teton County Court in Wyoming. I loved the work and almost never lost a case. That is until I got a botox case. I had always been completely turned off by the thought of getting it. But never more so than after spending an several hours with the botox patient litigant and the doctor from Idaho Falls. The patient had the botox six months earlier by the doctor before going to Mexico for Christmas and though she had repeatedly signed off on the risks involved, this time the treatment made her face paralyzed in one side for almost two weeks....and ruined her vacation. The vitriol in the room was over the top and I was glad there were sher I ff's deputies in the nearby courtroom.
In the end, this case went back to the judge because the woman who suffered no long-term physical effects had a grand meltdown of totally inappropriate proportions. Needless to say the thought of botox now or ever is9 a bridge way too far for me.
Maybe she "looks as though she wants to threaten people" because she is threatening people.
What is everyone talking about?! Gretchen is super hot. I have a thing for plastic-looking dictators.
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