Last time it was hope and change. This time President Obama
is offering America a “Fair Shot.”
I would agree that Obama’s presidency has not been giving
America a Fair Shot. What I don't get is why anyone would think that he would do better in a second term.
To Niall Ferguson the message recalls Franklin Roosevelt’s
New Deal, though, as he notes, New Deal is a more felicitous phrase than Fair
To Ferguson Obama’s criticism of private equity recalled Roosevelt’s
attacks on Wall Street in 1932. Both presidents were trying to stigmatize those
who work for profit, that is, those who work in the free enterprise private economy.
Both attacks are demagogic; both bespeak a Messiah complex.
Ferguson describes FDR’s first inaugural address:
80 years have elapsed since Franklin Roosevelt savaged the “stubbornness” and
“incompetence” of “the rulers of the [stock] exchange” and the “unscrupulous
money changers” in his first inaugural address: “Stripped of the lure of profit
... they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored
confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers ... The
money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our
civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure
of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more
noble than mere monetary profit.”
For extra credit, which religious group seems to be targeted
by the reference to the money changers in the temple?
For extra, extra credit, how well did members of this
religious group around the world fare while Franklin Roosevelt was conducting
American foreign policy, from 1932 to 1945?
Noting that Obama’s rhetoric is very weak when placed next
to FDR’s. Ferguson quotes out current president:
My view
of private equity is that it is set up to maximize profits…. And that’s not
always going to be good for communities or businesses or workers ... When
you’re president, as opposed to the head of a private-equity firm, your job is
not simply to maximize profits. Your job is to figure out how everybody in the
country has a fair shot. Your job is to think about those workers who got laid
off ... to take into account everybody, not just some ... This is what this
campaign is going to be about.
Actually, Obama made the same point in his State of the
Union address this year:
We can
restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot and everyone does their fair
share and everyone plays by the same set of rules.
One may ask who is going to decide what is fair and what is
not. How do you determine when someone has been offered a fair shot? Do the
outcomes decide it, or is there another standard?
One may also ask if it is fair that half the working
population does not pay Federal taxes.
Obama is correct to say that private equity is not always good for communities or businesses or workers. But it is also true to say that it is not always bad. In fact, it is mostly good. Surely it is better than having government come in to run business.
These questions aside, Obama is contrasting his Fair Shot
with the profit motive. He, like FDR, is saying that there is something wrong
with the profit motive. He finds that the profit motive is morally
inferior to some higher virtue, like fairness or justice.
It is almost too obvious to say it, but increased profits do not necessarily preclude fairness.
When it comes to giving everyone a Fair Shot, increased profits
provide increased revenues to the government. Increased revenues mean less government borrowing, and thus less money sucked out of potentially profitable investment. Increased profits also provide higher
wages for workers.
Now, explain why these liberal demagogues are opposed to the
profit motive? And why do they insist on presenting themselves as Messiahs. Don’t
they understand the separation of church and state? Don’t they understand that,
besides throwing the money changers out of the temple, Jesus said: render unto
Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and render unto God that which is God’s.
Wasn’t he trying to say that a secular leader should not
mistake himself for a religious leader and should not believe that an earthly
economy runs according to the same principles as pertain in the Heavenly City?
Capitalism runs on the profit motive. People who do not
worry about profit and loss work for the government. Lacking a profit motive
they are, as a rule, less efficient than private sector workers. At the least, they do not have a monopoly on fairness or any other moral virtue.
Doubtless, Obama is modeling himself on FDR. Yet, Ferguson
notes, FDR tried to throw the money changers in the temple in 1933, at the
onset of his administration. Obama is doing it at the end of his first term.
During that term, Ferguson notes, Congress passed and the
president signed an important piece of financial reform legislation, the
Dodd-Frank bill.
Ferguson writes:
He and
his party have already passed a massive piece of financial regulation, the
2,319-page Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank, for
short). And guess what? It’s garbage. Despite requiring regulators to create
243 new rules, conduct 67 studies (to see if the rules are actually necessary),
and issue 22 periodic reports, it somehow manages to miss the real causes of
the crisis. A mass of ambiguous, contradictory complexity, its sole result will
be to generate jobs for lawyers advising compliance departments.
We should mention that regulatory burdens, the kinds that
the Obama administration loves and cherishes, choke business and diminish
profits. Reducing the profits of banks means that there is less money to loan
out to business, and thus less of a Fair Shot for aspiring businessmen and job
Ferguson adds that this is not the only way that Washington
is leading the nation toward an economic contraction.
In his words:
… far
from putting the nation on track for recovery, the president’s Fair Shot is
sending us over a fiscal cliff. Last week the Congressional Budget Office
issued a stark warning that if Washington allows the Bush tax cuts to expire
and the preprogrammed spending cuts (code-named sequestration) to go ahead, the
economy will contract by 1.3 percent in the first half of 2013.
At that point, no one will be getting a Fair Shot.
Since Obama took out after Mitt Romney’s experience in
private equity, Ferguson suggests that we compare it with Barack Obama’s
experience as a community organizer and lawyer.
Mitt Romney entered politics, he started up and successfully ran a
private-equity shop. He turned money-losing companies around, partly by firing
surplus employees. Before Barack Obama entered politics, he was a community
organizer, then a lawyer. The firm where he worked in the 1990s specialized in
civil-rights litigation and neighborhood economic development. Visit Chicago to
see how well that went.
Obama has been running a government that provides
opportunities for bureaucrats and labor union members and lawyers. Is anyone
else getting a Fair Shot?
Ferguson answers:
only jobs lawyers ever create are for other lawyers. And if you don’t believe
me, you clearly haven’t read Dodd-Frank.
Amazingly, Niall Ferguson is one of the few people who has
read all of the Dodd-Frank bill, which is more than can be said about most of
the Congressmen who voted for it or the president who signed it.
Don't you know? They're the guys who want to render what is rendered unto Caesar, and tender it to each other.
The problem with capitalism is that it doesn't deal with the long term very well at all.
It's wonderful at doing a lot of things extremely well, but long term consequences are not one of those things.
And who, exactly, is good with the "long term consequences", assuming of course that anyone can accurately foresee them?
Funny, I was literally just reading that story in the gospel before I read this article.
"Fair Shot" sounds like a golf term. I wonder if that was intentional?
I keep hearing that from pundits, that PE is not about creating jobs, but profits.
If I open a hamburger stand, I am not going to do it because I want to feed people. I want to sell hamburgers. If people buy them and like them, I will make a profit. When I make a profit, I will expand and hire more people/create jobs.
Obama doesn't seem to understand this.
Actually, capitalism is ideal for coping with the long-term. Unlike a planned economy, where risk is socialized, the consequences of properly assessing risk are born principally by the actors. Capitalism is most effective in a market economy, where the dynamic is adaptive and directed by a comprehensive set of competing interests. It may be less efficient, but, within the realm of reality, it is ultimately higher performing.
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